feat(day5): Implement part 2 (7.46s of execution, we ain't ballin)

This commit is contained in:
kale 2024-12-11 13:59:43 +01:00
parent 14a6f5ce1d
commit 501b2fc19e
Signed by: kalmenn
GPG key ID: F500055C44BC3834

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@ -2,21 +2,22 @@ module Main where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.List (find)
import Text.Parsec (parse, Parsec, endBy, sepBy1, char, newline, many)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Number (decimal)
type PageOrdering = (Int, Int)
type OrderingRule = (Int, Int)
type PagesUpdate = [Int]
printInfo :: Parsec String () ([PageOrdering], [PagesUpdate])
printInfo = (,) <$> orderings <*> (newline *> pagesUpdates) <* many (char '\n')
printInfo :: Parsec String () ([OrderingRule], [PagesUpdate])
printInfo = (,) <$> orderingRules <*> (newline *> pagesUpdates) <* many (char '\n')
pagesUpdates :: Parsec String () [PagesUpdate]
pagesUpdates = endBy (sepBy1 decimal $ char ',') newline
orderings :: Parsec String () [PageOrdering]
orderings = endBy ((,) <$> decimal <*> (char '|' *> decimal)) $ char '\n'
orderingRules :: Parsec String () [OrderingRule]
orderingRules = endBy ((,) <$> decimal <*> (char '|' *> decimal)) $ char '\n'
allDependencies :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
allDependencies (h:tl) = map (flip (,) h) tl ++ allDependencies tl
@ -29,16 +30,40 @@ middleElement (_:h':tl) = case reverse (h':tl) of
(_:middle) -> middleElement middle
[] -> Nothing
part1 :: FilePath -> IO Int
part1 fp = do
content <- readFile fp
(requiredOrderings, pagesUpdates) <- either (fail . show) return $ parse printInfo fp content
let wellOrdered = filter (all (`notElem` requiredOrderings) . allDependencies) pagesUpdates
return $ sum $ mapMaybe middleElement wellOrdered
isWellOrdered :: [OrderingRule] -> PagesUpdate -> Bool
isWellOrdered orderingRules = all (`notElem` orderingRules) . allDependencies
part1 :: [OrderingRule] -> [PagesUpdate] -> Int
part1 orderingRules pagesUpdates = (sum . mapMaybe middleElement) onlyWellOrdered
where onlyWellOrdered = filter (isWellOrdered orderingRules) pagesUpdates
partitions :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a])]
partitions (h:tl) = ([], h, tl) : map (\(as, a, bs) -> (h:as, a, bs)) (partitions tl)
partitions [] = []
doublePartitions :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a], a, [a])]
doublePartitions ls = [(as, a, bs, b, cs)
| (as, a, bs') <- partitions ls
, (bs, b, cs) <- partitions bs']
reorder :: [OrderingRule] -> PagesUpdate -> PagesUpdate
reorder orderingRules pagesUpdate = case find badlyOrdered $ doublePartitions pagesUpdate of
Just (as, a, bs, b, cs) -> reorder orderingRules (as ++ b : bs ++ a : cs)
Nothing -> pagesUpdate
badlyOrdered :: ([Int], Int, [Int], Int, [Int]) -> Bool
badlyOrdered (_, a, _, b, _) = (b, a) `elem` orderingRules
part2 :: [OrderingRule] -> [PagesUpdate] -> Int
part2 orderingRules = sum
. mapMaybe (middleElement . reorder orderingRules)
. filter (not . isWellOrdered orderingRules)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
(fp:_) <- return args
resPart1 <- part1 fp
putStrLn $ "Solution (Part 1) : " ++ show resPart1
content <- readFile fp
input <- either (fail . show) return $ parse printInfo fp content
-- putStrLn $ "Solution (Part 1) : " ++ show (uncurry part1 input)
putStrLn $ "Solution (Part 2) : " ++ show (uncurry part2 input)