feat(day5): Implement part 2 (7.46s of execution, we ain't ballin)
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,21 +2,22 @@ module Main where
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.List (find)
import Text.Parsec (parse, Parsec, endBy, sepBy1, char, newline, many)
import Text.Parsec (parse, Parsec, endBy, sepBy1, char, newline, many)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Number (decimal)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Number (decimal)
type PageOrdering = (Int, Int)
type OrderingRule = (Int, Int)
type PagesUpdate = [Int]
type PagesUpdate = [Int]
printInfo :: Parsec String () ([PageOrdering], [PagesUpdate])
printInfo :: Parsec String () ([OrderingRule], [PagesUpdate])
printInfo = (,) <$> orderings <*> (newline *> pagesUpdates) <* many (char '\n')
printInfo = (,) <$> orderingRules <*> (newline *> pagesUpdates) <* many (char '\n')
pagesUpdates :: Parsec String () [PagesUpdate]
pagesUpdates :: Parsec String () [PagesUpdate]
pagesUpdates = endBy (sepBy1 decimal $ char ',') newline
pagesUpdates = endBy (sepBy1 decimal $ char ',') newline
orderings :: Parsec String () [PageOrdering]
orderingRules :: Parsec String () [OrderingRule]
orderings = endBy ((,) <$> decimal <*> (char '|' *> decimal)) $ char '\n'
orderingRules = endBy ((,) <$> decimal <*> (char '|' *> decimal)) $ char '\n'
allDependencies :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
allDependencies :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
allDependencies (h:tl) = map (flip (,) h) tl ++ allDependencies tl
allDependencies (h:tl) = map (flip (,) h) tl ++ allDependencies tl
@ -29,16 +30,40 @@ middleElement (_:h':tl) = case reverse (h':tl) of
(_:middle) -> middleElement middle
(_:middle) -> middleElement middle
[] -> Nothing
[] -> Nothing
part1 :: FilePath -> IO Int
isWellOrdered :: [OrderingRule] -> PagesUpdate -> Bool
part1 fp = do
isWellOrdered orderingRules = all (`notElem` orderingRules) . allDependencies
content <- readFile fp
(requiredOrderings, pagesUpdates) <- either (fail . show) return $ parse printInfo fp content
part1 :: [OrderingRule] -> [PagesUpdate] -> Int
let wellOrdered = filter (all (`notElem` requiredOrderings) . allDependencies) pagesUpdates
part1 orderingRules pagesUpdates = (sum . mapMaybe middleElement) onlyWellOrdered
return $ sum $ mapMaybe middleElement wellOrdered
where onlyWellOrdered = filter (isWellOrdered orderingRules) pagesUpdates
partitions :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a])]
partitions (h:tl) = ([], h, tl) : map (\(as, a, bs) -> (h:as, a, bs)) (partitions tl)
partitions [] = []
doublePartitions :: [a] -> [([a], a, [a], a, [a])]
doublePartitions ls = [(as, a, bs, b, cs)
| (as, a, bs') <- partitions ls
, (bs, b, cs) <- partitions bs']
reorder :: [OrderingRule] -> PagesUpdate -> PagesUpdate
reorder orderingRules pagesUpdate = case find badlyOrdered $ doublePartitions pagesUpdate of
Just (as, a, bs, b, cs) -> reorder orderingRules (as ++ b : bs ++ a : cs)
Nothing -> pagesUpdate
badlyOrdered :: ([Int], Int, [Int], Int, [Int]) -> Bool
badlyOrdered (_, a, _, b, _) = (b, a) `elem` orderingRules
part2 :: [OrderingRule] -> [PagesUpdate] -> Int
part2 orderingRules = sum
. mapMaybe (middleElement . reorder orderingRules)
. filter (not . isWellOrdered orderingRules)
main :: IO ()
main :: IO ()
main = do
main = do
args <- getArgs
args <- getArgs
(fp:_) <- return args
(fp:_) <- return args
resPart1 <- part1 fp
content <- readFile fp
putStrLn $ "Solution (Part 1) : " ++ show resPart1
input <- either (fail . show) return $ parse printInfo fp content
-- putStrLn $ "Solution (Part 1) : " ++ show (uncurry part1 input)
putStrLn $ "Solution (Part 2) : " ++ show (uncurry part2 input)
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