# My personal git config. You're free to reuse any part of it.
# Some files are only relevent to me, and might contain private information
# (git forge URLs, which gpg keys to use, ...). They are encrypted using
# git-crypt to be extra safe.
# All of them are included under the file below so, if you wish to reuse my
# config, you'll need to delete that setting. Otherwise git will complain.
path = personal_config
editor = nvim
defaultBranch = main
gpgsign = true
[filter "lfs"]
required = true
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
useConfigOnly = true
lg-inline = "log --graph --branches --all --date=human --color --format='%C(bold dim green)%h%C(auto) - %C(yellow)%<(12)%cr %C(bold)→%C(reset) %s%C(dim white) - %an %C(bold green)%G?%GS%C(reset cyan)%d%C(reset)'"
# sed part courtesy of: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32038784
lg = "!f() { \
git lg-inline $@ |\
sed \
-e 's#G#Good Signature: #' \
-e 's#B#\\x1b[31mBAD#' \
-e 's#U#\\x1b[33mUnknown Trust: #' \
-e 's#X#Good | Expired#' \
-e 's#Y#\\x1b[33mExpired Key#' \
-e 's#R#\\x1b[31mRevoked#' \
-e 's#E#\\x1b[33mMissing Key#' \
-e 's#N##' | \
less -cr; \
}; f"
ck = "checkout"
s = "status"
# Inspired, then evolved from:
# https://www.micah.soy/posts/setting-up-git-identities/
identity = "!~/.config/git/scripts/identity.sh"